Puisi untuk Ibu
Puisi Richard Fernando Putra Bela
Ibu kau mengandung 9 bulan
sampai engkau melahirkanku dengan susah paya
engkau merawatku sampai aku tumbuh besar
engkau juga merawatku tampa pamri
dan engkau juga merawatku dengan penuh kasih sayang
Ibu kau mengajariku berjalan sampai aku bisa berjalan
engkau juga mengajariku berbicara sampai aku bisa
Ibu kau bagaikan malaikatku
dikala aku sedih engkau selalu ada untuk menghiburku
Ibu.. aku juga merasa engkaulah pahlawanku
setiap aku kesusahan engkau selalu ada untuk membantuku
Ibu... bekerja keras
untuk menafkahiku
ibu... terima kasih atas pengorbananmu
yang engkau berikan kepada ku
17.52 | |
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Halo semuanya !
Pada hari ini saya akan mem-posting "Trailer" film bioskop yang sedang booming pada bulan November 2013 ini. Film tersebut adalah Thor 2: The Dark World.
Nah, bagi yang belum melihat film ini, kamu bisa melihat trailer film ini, silahkan tinggal klik video yang ada di atas!
Selamat menonton ! :D
Apa Itu Laptop? | 20.05 |
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Apa Itu Laptop?
Laptop adalah komputer yang berukuran relatif kecil dan ringan, beratnya berkisar dari 1-6 kg, tergantung ukuran, bahan, dan spesifikasi laptop tersebut. Sumber daya laptop berasal dari baterai yang dapat digunakan untuk mengisi ulang baterai dan menyalakan laptop itu sendiri. Baterai laptop pada umumnya dapat bertahan sekitar 1 hingga 6 jam sebelum akhirnya habis, tergantung dari cara pemakaian, spesifikasi, dan ukuran baterai. Laptop terkadang disebut juga dengan notebook.
Sebagai komputer pribadi, laptop memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan komputer pada umumnya. Komponen yang terdapat di dalamnya sama persis dengan komponen pada komputer, hanya saja ukurannya diperkecil, dijadikan lebih ringan, lebih tidak panas, dan lebih hemat daya. Laptop kebanyakan menggunakan layar LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) berukuran 10 inci hingga 17 inci tergantung dari ukuran laptop itu sendiri. Selain itu, keyboard yang terdapat pada laptop juga kadang-kadang dilengkapi dengan papan sentuh yang berfungsi sebagai "pengganti" tetikus. Papan ketik dan tetikus tambahan dapat dipasang melalui soket Universal Serial Bus (USB) maupun PS2 jika tersedia.
Berbeda dengan komputer, laptop memiliki komponen pendukung yang didesain secara khusus untuk mengakomodasi sifat komputer jinjing yang portabel. Sifat utama yang dimiliki oleh komponen penyusun laptop adalah ukuran yang kecil, hemat konsumsi energi, dan efisien. Laptop biasanya berharga lebih mahal, tergantung dari merek dan spesifikasi komponen penyusunnya, walaupun demikian harga laptop pun semakin mendekati komputer seiring dengan semakin tingginya tingkat permintaan konsumen.
Jenis-jenis laptop
Netbook cenderung menuju pada spesies laptop yang memiliki spesifikasi tertentu. Sebuah netbook umumnya menggunakan prosesor Intel Atom. Jenis laptop ini berukuran kecil, biasanya dengan layar di bawah 12 inci dan berat kurang lebih 1 kg.Netbook mulai populer ketika "ASUS" mengeluarkan produk bernama "Eee PC". Ketika itu, komputer dengan harga murah ini menggunakan harddisk layaknya sebuah media penyimpan portabel USB Flash Disk (UFD), dengan kapasitas rendah yaitu 4GB.
Laptop ini memiliki ciri yaitu prosesor yang digunakan, misalnya Intel Core i5, i3, dan Core 2 Duo, memori minimal 2GB, memiliki Drive untuk membaca dan menulis DVD, keyboard berukuran penuh atau setidaknya 80% dari lebarnya sendiri.Tablet PC
Perangkat ini memiliki layar sentuh sehingga mudah diputar, dan mudah dibawa kemana saja.Mulai 2010, perangkat ini menjadi tren baru. Tren ini dikomandani oleh Apple Inc yang menghadirkan "iPad" ke pasaran. Namun, ada perbedaan antara Tablet PC dan iPad, yaitu:
- Tablet PC menggunakan stylus yang digunakan. Sedangkan iPad menggunakan jari-jemari.
- Tablet PC dimaksudkan sebagai laptop yang berbeda. Sedangkan iPad dimaksudkan sebagai gadget.
Di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tentu banyak macam jenis Merk yang terdapat pada Laptop. Laptop terdapat banyak merk ditujukan untuk membandingkan kualitas, harga, sistem, dll. Macam-macam Merk yang terdapat pada laptop yaitu:
- A Note
- Acer
- Advan
- Alien Ware
- Apple
- Averatec
- Axioo
- BenQ
- Compaq
- Dell
- Dialogue
- Elitegroup Computer Systems
- Falcon Northwest
- Fujitsu Siemens
- Gericom
- Hewlett-Packard
- Hypersonic
- iQon
- iBuyPower
- Lenovo
- LG Electronics
- Linux Certified
- Medion
- Mitsubishi
- Mugen
- NEC Corporation
- Overam
- Packard Bell
- Panasonic
- ProStar
- Relion
- Rock Direct
- Sager Miderm
- Samsung
- Sharp Corporation
- Sony
- Tadpole
- Toshiba
- Vestel
- Voodoo PC
- Wearnes
- Winbook
- Zyrex
Itulah penjelasan mengenai laptop menurut sayaa :D
Date With Someone | 02.36 |
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Date With Someone
Today is Saturday. One boy with name Jimmy gotting up. He got up at 6 o'clock AM. After that Jimmy tidy his bed. Jimmy is very diligent boy. After tidy his bed, he went to bathroom to took a bath. After that, he received a calling from his girlfriend. She said, she want to watched a movie at cinema. Jimmy very happy. And then Jimmy prepared his clothe, but he didn't have good clothe. He decided to went to mall for buy new clothe.
He want to went mall but he didn't have any vehicle. He was thinking for a minute, and then he decided to went to halte to stopped a car. After 10 minutes waiting the car, he stopped the car and then he got in to the car and go with the car.
Jimmy was arrived to the mall. He went to clothes shop. After that he chose one clothe for him. After ten minutes, he found a clothe (shirt) with box motif. The clothe looked very nice for him.
Jimmy was chose these clothe, so he payed that at the cashier. That cost is Rp 75.000,- . H epayed that. And than he went out the mall and stopped a car to took him went home. The trip from mall to his home took 30 minutes. He enjoyed the trip with sent message to his girlfriend.
Jimmy was arrived in front of his home. He got out from the car and payed the cost. He went to in fornt of his door and took the key and opened the door. After that, he entered his home. Jimmy was felt hungry.He decided to cooked an instant noodle. After that he enjoyed his lunch.
After 20 minutes,he was full. After ate, he must drank.He liked coffee very much, so he decided to made a cup of instan coffee. After that, he back to dining room to enjoyed his coffee. After that, he washed the dishes and took a brek for 30 minutes in living room. He went to sofa and read a news on the newspaper.
He was fresh again. He looked not tired again. So, he decided to took a bath. After 30 minutes in the bathroom, he looked very fresh. He went to his bedroom to changed his clothe with clothe he boight today and wore a trousers. He stand in front of the mirror and he looked handsome. But he forgot two things! He went to his table and took gell (for hair) and a bottle of parfum. He wore that with very happy. After that, he stand in front of the mirror again to look his body and his face, He looked very handsome.
After that he stopped a taxi. He said to the driver yo took him to the cinema. The trip from his home to cinema took 45 minutes. Ine the car, he very happy. He was arriving in front of the cinema and he payed the cost of the trip. After that he called her girlfriend because he was in front of the cinema. After 5 minutes, her girlfriend was arrieved. She looks very beautiful with her blue long dress. They decided to went to locket and to bought 2 tickets to saw a movie. They decided to watched movie with title: "Disney: OZ The Great And Powerfull". They didn't forget to bought popcorn and softdrink, and then they entered the cinemaand watched the movie with ate popcorn and drank the softdrink. The movie was very great. The story is very nice. The duration of this movie is 2,5 hours. The movie was end. So, they decided to went home , because the clock is at 10 PM. Before they went home, Jimmy pull his girlfriend and kissed her cheek. His girlfriend was blushed. Jimmy only laughed looked that. And then he accompany his gorlfriend until in front of her home. And then they said good bye. Jimmy went home with walked on foot. After arrieved in front of his home, he was opening the door and enterd the home. He went to bathroom and wash his face, foot, etc. He went to his lovely bed and start his dream... Today is very a nice day for Jimmy and her girlfriend, because they can spent their day together....
English assigment
Sheila 8e/32
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